Saturday, March 9, 2019

Important update to know about

March 9, 2019

What’s up guys? It’s good to be sharing my thoughts and ideas with all of you again. Today, I wanna talk about some updates that we have and the changes we made to our storyboard. In the past days, my team have went over over each of our scenes and changed a few things throughout the process. Believe it or not, this part of our project is one of the most important since it is really what we’ll shape up and structure the rest. It’s important to double check the storyboard and tweak it in whichever way possible so you don’t run into bumps or make errors and realize after. Here are our recent changes to our project and we truly believe this is going to be our final changes to the storyboard and have a lot of confidence with what we have brought together for you guys.

Changes to Storyboard (IN RED)

I went over in the previous the location of our film opening which is Marham Park. We decided to add that to the storyboard. Something that was not mentioned in the storyboard before which now is is that we want to show the names of the people who died and expose them on the headstones. The whole point of showing the third scene of a high angle of the gravestones is to show their weak power. We decided to also place a flashy transition, which we’re planning to do in black & white to have that past aspect.

As you guys know since I talked I talked about sound two posts ago, we added the foley sound (clock ticking sound) to our storyboard. In between this shot of the clock and the next shot of the dripping water, we have recently decided we want to have fast transition to create more intensity.

In the rooms where we want to show where the psychopath was, a good way to show that is by having killing knives somewhere in the room, possibly with blood on them. This was something we’d like to add that we didn’t think of before which is a great prop to include. Even though we had stated in the storyboard that we wanted to have a medium shot of the mom looking at the written symbol in the paper, we forgot to add how we want her reaction. So in this new version of the storyboard we stated we want to show her shocked/disappointed.

Until next time! :))

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